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You can order Bindfix on this website. Please select from the menu on the left.

By placing an order you accept our terms and conditions. We will do everything to ensure that you are satisfied with our products.


The goods are delivered on account, no cash on delivery. The shipping fee within Europe is 5.90 euros. All prices include VAT. For company orders: For orders from other EU countries, please enter the UID no. specify (EU sales tax identification number), if available. We will then deliver within the EU net, without sales tax. The goods remain our property until full payment, place of jurisdiction is Vienna. Our general terms and conditions apply.

Your right of cancellation and return:

You can revoke this order in writing within two weeks without giving reasons. You can return goods that have already been delivered to us within two weeks of receipt of the delivery without giving a reason. 

Copyright © 2005 - 2023, patented and produced by BIND-FIX PROFESSIONAL ELASTICS, technical equipment
Ing. Hermann Payer, Seidlgasse 29, 1030 Wien
Tel. ++43/1/718 31 71, email: ing.payer/at\

Aufsichtsbehörde: Mag. Bezirksamt für den 3. und 11. Bezirk / Wien

Berufsverband: Wirtschaftskammer Wien, Sparte Handel
UID-Nr: ATU-10974007